30 Pieces

30 Pieces by Phil

Pam and I have been going through the book of Matthew in our daily devotions. This morning we were in chapter 27 where Judas realizes his mistake in betraying Jesus and commits suicide. In verses 3-4 Judas declares that he had sinned and tries to return the bribe money to the chief priests. Knowing this money was payment for murder, the corrupt priests don't feel right about putting it back in the temple treasury, so they use it to buy a field to use as a cemetery for "strangers" (some translations render this "foreigners," not to be confused with the rock band from the 80s.)

I assume these "strangers" were the original "John Doe," homeless vagabonds who died alone with no family to care for them or provide them with a proper burial. It could also be a person from a foreign land who died with no one coming to claim the body. Either way, they were the anonymous, lost and forgotten by the world - but not by God. Through the most unlikely route of betrayal, bribery, deception, corruption, hatred, envy and remorse, God provided a field so these nameless people who slipped through the cracks of society could at least be buried with dignity.

So what can we learn from this side note of the salvation story? First, there is no person, action, or situation that is beyond the the power of God to redeem. No matter what you've done or has been done to you, God can still use you if you let him. It's interesting that the field purchased in this passage belonged to a potter. When a potter is making a vessel and the shape goes in a wrong direction, he doesn't throw the clay away. Instead, he patiently and skillfully reshapes it into something both beautiful and useful. God can do the same for you.

Second, there is nothing beyond God's control. It's easy in our world today to feel that things are out of control. There is more division than unity in our country. Actions the Bible clearly calls sin are not only accepted but promoted, even by some religious authorities. Morally, politically and religiously, we are a mess - much like the world when Jesus was condemned and crucified. Yet, God didn't choose to wipe out the Romans who crucified his Son or the Pharisees who denied their true Messiah and condemned Him to death. Instead, God used those religious leaders to train up a young man named Saul who would go on to write much of our New Testament and shape our theology. God used the highway system built by the Romans so Paul, Luke, Mark and many others could spread the message of salvation far and wide, planting individual congregations that would grow into what we know as the church today. God even used a handful of priests and bribery money to purchase a field where those cast off from the world could rest in peace.

One final take away: even if you feel "cast off" by the world, unnoticed, ignored, insignificant; that you've slipped through the cracks of society; you are not forgotten by God. He knows your name! He loves you and is constantly working "all things together for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose" - Romans 8:28.

All of these lessons from 30 pieces of silver! And you are worth far more than that. "For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect." - 1 Peter 1:18-19

Isaiah 49:16 reminds us "See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands..." Not with pen and ink but with a cruel Roman spike. That's how much God loves you.

How much do you love Him?

Remembered and redeemed,
Phil and Pam

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Phil & Pam Morgan

I'm a author and musician who loves to talk about faith & spirituality, arts & crafts, and music. Subscribe and join over 1,000+ newsletter readers every week!

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