Sweeter Than Honey

Sweeter Than Honey by Phil

Here I am, your purveyor of unusual, obscure, and probably unnecessary factoids. Today's tidbit of trivial knowledge - Honey never expires. Yes, that tasty treat straight from the bee's behind will last forever if stored properly. (Actually, that is not exactly true. Honey doesn't come from the bee's bottom, they actually regurgitate it into other bee's mouths until it is finally deposited in the honeycomb. Are you hungry yet?) This whole process reduces the water content down to about 20% at which point it is packed into the cells of the honeycomb. Then they fan their wings to dry the honey even more and plug the cell with wax (also not from their behinds) which oozes out of their abdomens.

The low water content, thick viscosity and high acidity make it very difficult for bacteria to survive in honey, thus it's longevity. But is it true that honey will never expire? Well, we have proof that it will last at least 3,000 years. A group of archeologists who unsealed King Tut's tomb in 1923 found containers of honey buried with the boy king. In a somewhat-unscientific test, they tried some of the honey and found it still tasted sweet! (When I shared this tidbit with Pam, she remembered a few years ago when I found a gift tin of flavored popcorn from our wedding. Note: flavored popcorn DOES expire. Don't ask how I know.)

Is it any wonder when David was looking for something to compare the Word of the Lord to, he chose honey? "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" - Psalm 119:103. Both are sweet, satisfying, and they never get old! Peter adds, "The Scriptures say, 'Our lives are like the grass of spring, and any glory we enjoy is like the beauty of a wildflower. The grass dries up and dies, and the flower falls to the ground. But the word of the Lord lasts forever.'

And that word is the Good News that was told to you." - 1 Peter 24-25

That "Good News of Great Joy!" is like honey in another way. It should be passed mouth to mouth until it seeps out of our very pores. Now that's sweet! (And not anything like thirty-year-old popcorn.)

Pass the biscuits,
Phil and Pam

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Phil & Pam Morgan

I'm a author and musician who loves to talk about faith & spirituality, arts & crafts, and music. Subscribe and join over 1,000+ newsletter readers every week!

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