The Backside of Love

Pam and I have been practicing the "in sickness" part of our wedding vows lately. We took turns taking care of whoever was sickest at the moment and I'm happy to report, we are not dead and still happily married!

The Backside of Love by Phil

Songs, poems, plays, movies, operas and novels often demonstrate deep love and affection with grand acts of courage and perseverance. Climb the highest mountain, swim the deepest ocean, etc. But perhaps love is not that complicated. Maybe it's as simple as a slap on the behind.

I remember as a kid that when my dad walked past my mom who was usually working in the kitchen, he would give her a little love tap on the backside. Pam remembers her dad doing the same. I carry on the tradition and sometimes Pam even returns the favor. Whatever you call it - a tush tap, rump thump, or bum bop - devotion can be found as close as your own derriere. When we still had teenagers at home, one of our goals was to embarrass the kids. They may have rolled their eyes and shaken their heads, but they knew mom and dad loved each other.

In Genesis 26, during a time of famine, Isaac and Rebekah went to Gerar in the land of the Philistines. Just like his dad Abraham in chapter 20, Isaac says Rebekah is his sister instead of his wife for fear the Philistines would kill him and marry her. I'm not sure why Isaac thought this would work for him when it didn't for his father, but oh, well. Then we come to verse 8 -

"When Isaac had been there a long time, Abimelek king of the Philistines looked down from a window and saw Isaac caressing his wife Rebekah. So Abimelek summoned Isaac and said, “She is really your wife! Why did you say, ‘She is my sister’?" - Genesis 26:8-9

Different versions of the Bible translate "caress" as "sporting", "frolicking", "laughing together", "hugging and kissing", "playing", "enjoying", "holding", "fondling", "showing endearment", "loving", and my personal favorite, "dallying". I'm not sure exactly what they were doing, but just to keep this family friendly and rated PG, I'm picturing a fanny pat.

One of the unexpected results of our ministry has been the promotion of Christian marriage. We've had many comments from people who say watching Pam walk while holding on to my arm and me helping her get up and down steps has been an encouragement to their own relationship. In today's world, traditional marriage needs all the encouragement it can get, so we are honored our actions have inadvertently done just that.

Is your marriage a testimony to those around you? Come on guys, open that car door, pull out that chair, give her your arm when you walk - be nice to the girl! Besides, most of the time our wives are better looking than we are so it might even help your overall appearance! And ladies, hold his hand, laugh at his jokes (even the dumb ones), act like you like the man. You never know who is watching and may need a little encouragement in their own relationship.

In the privacy of your home, don't be afraid to grace your mate's behind with the occasional love pat. Who knows, it might even lead to some frolicking or even dallying! And that is a whole lot more fun than arguing!

Hubba, Hubba,
Phil and Pam

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Phil & Pam Morgan

I'm a author and musician who loves to talk about faith & spirituality, arts & crafts, and music. Subscribe and join over 1,000+ newsletter readers every week!

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